Creating a Status Callback Function

The following example is a simple status callback function. Register this callback by using the capSetCallbackOnStatus4TX4M macro.

// StatusCallbackProc: status callback function

// hWnd:               capture window handle

// nID:                status code for the current status

// lpStatusText:       status text string for the current status


LRESULT PASCAL StatusCallbackProc(HWND hWnd, int nID,

    LPSTR lpStatusText)

    if (!ghWndMain)

        return FALSE;


    if (nID == 0) {            // Clear old status messages.

        SetWindowText(ghWndMain, (LPSTR) gachAppName);

        return (LRESULT) TRUE;


    // Show the status ID and status text...

    wsprintf(gachBuffer, "Status# %d: %s", nID, lpStatusText);


    SetWindowText(ghWndMain, (LPSTR)gachBuffer);

    return (LRESULT) TRUE;
